Scopelitis seminar delves into lease purchase deals, M&A, ESG and more

INDIANAPOLIS — The Scopelitis Transportation Law Seminar is a three-day parade of speakers and panels discussing everything from what states’ license plates fleets should seek to slap on their trucks to the treatment of owner-operators whose trucks leave the road for maintenance. The gathering examines hundreds of legal situations fleets might face. Here are five…

Scopelitis co-director: False hours-of-service log reports rise despite ELDs

INDIANAPOLIS — The full implementation of the federal ELD rule dates back to December 2019, but that hasn’t stopped hours-of-service violations from racking up, P. Sean Garney noted in a presentation at the Scopelitis Transportation Law Seminar. The working theory always was that the tight, immutable data on HOS generated by an ELD would reduce…

97-year-old Illinois dairy forced into bankruptcy

A 97-year-old family-owned dairy that offers home milk delivery in glass bottles and operates over 40 ice cream and dairy stores in Illinois and Missouri recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Oberweis Dairy Inc., headquartered in North Aurora, Illinois, filed its petition Friday in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois. …

CTA, OOIDA to appeal court decision upholding AB5 in California trucking

The California Trucking Association and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association will appeal last month’s decision that rejected their latest attempt to block imposition of California independent contractor law AB5 on the state’s trucking sector. The decision to appeal the ruling to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, filed Friday with the U.S. District Court…

Estes to open at least 20 terminals this year

Less-than-truckload carrier Estes said Monday it will start opening terminals it has acquired from defunct Yellow Corp. as part of a “national expansion.” The carrier acquired 24 service centers for $249 million at Yellow’s (OTC: YELLQ) first auction, which concluded in early December. It picked up five leased properties for $35 million at a second…