Broker-Carrier Summit roaring into Kansas City

For brokers and carriers used to finding each other only through load boards, the upcoming in-person Broker-Carrier Summit on April 22-24 in Kansas City, Missouri, seeks to take those relationships to the next level. “What we’re doing is creating something completely new in the industry. We’re bringing brokers and carriers together, especially those small to…

Freight’s path of totality; University of Arkansas; AB5 and drivers – WTT

On Episode 703 of WHAT THE TRUCK?!?, Dooner is kicking off the eclipse by taking a look at the freight market. Will eclipse disruptions have any impact on rates? Woo pig! We’re talking to the University of Arkansas about its supply chain program — what students are learning, how the program works, how you get…

Demand shocks keeping aging fleet afloat, argue shipowners

Ship recycling has fallen to its lowest level in 20 years, per a recent report by the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO).  BIMCO — a trade group representing shipowners — states that capacity has been overtaxed by the Red Sea crisis, which has forced shipping lines to take a longer route around Africa’s Cape…

Fuel costs show why transportation market is so challenging for providers

Chart of the Week: Diesel Truck Stop Actual Price Per Gallon, National Truckload Index – USA  SONAR: DTS.USA, NTI.USA Retail diesel fuel costs (DTS) are up 33% versus April 2019, while the National Truckload Index (NTI) that measures all-in spot rates are only up 16% over the same time. The implication is that carriers are in…