At C.H. Robinson, it’s been a long, difficult trip

On Jan. 3, 2023, the transportation world awoke to the news that Bob Biesterfeld, president and CEO of freight broker and 3PL giant C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc., had resigned his posts. The company’s stock, which had already dropped more than 15% from around $120 a share in August, registered little immediate reaction to Biesterfeld’s abrupt…

Tweaks in final independent contractor rule could benefit trucking

 More than a year after it was first proposed, the Department of Labor has formally released its final independent contractor rule that one leading analyst said was “little … changed  substantively in comparison to the proposed rule.” But there are provisions in the changes, though minor, that are being viewed as positive for the trucking…

Logistics veteran joins board of insurtech LuckyTruck

Despite challenges, the trucking industry has seen improvements in operational efficiencies and enhanced driver safety through technology adoption. However, insurance costs are rising as a result of nuclear verdicts and increased repair expenses. Yet, logistics professionals and technology experts believe that by leveraging telematics and operational data, insurance costs can be lowered and can become…