Teamsters demand Yellow’s previous $11-per-hour offer

A Tuesday letter from Teamsters leadership to local unions representing all of Yellow Corp.’s network said emergency negotiations that began on Sunday haven’t yielded an agreement. The union says its “bottom-line proposal” seeks the $11-per-hour wages and benefits hike previously offered by the company. A July 12 letter from Yellow’s (NASDAQ: YELL) CEO to the…

Battle ranks over California waiver for Clean Trucks rule swell

More than half the states in the U.S. are now intervenors in the lawsuit that challenges a waiver granted to California to implement its Clean Trucks rule. Following a petition filed in early June that allowed 19 states to challenge the waiver granted in April by the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Court of Appeals…

Zim downsizing its container ship fleet as demand disappoints

Israel-based ocean carrier Zim (NYSE: ZIM) is cutting its exposure to the freight market by offloading multiple leased vessels. News of its divestment strategy was first reported in late June and fresh details are now emerging. There have been reports this week of seven early charter terminations by Zim as well as two sublets. Two…