American, United Airlines’ cargo revenue smacked down by weak market

American Airlines said Thursday second-quarter cargo revenue fell nearly 40% year over year, hours after United Airlines reported a 37% drop in sales from shipments carried in the lower hold of its passenger fleet. Cargo performance at the Big Three U.S. airlines is now worse than it was in 2019, before the pandemic. The disappointing…

Terminal Industries departs stealth mode with $17M for AI yard operations

Significant attention has been given to advancing warehouse management systems (WMS) in the FreightTech landscape, revolutionizing operations within physical buildings for enhanced transparency and optimization.  However, yard management systems (YMS) have received less investment, and their innovations have been relatively dormant compared to WMS. YMS has traditionally relied on manual processes with limited technological support….

5 things to know with the UPS-Teamsters clock ticking

Time is running short for a handshake agreement to avert a nationwide Teamsters union strike against UPS Inc. threatened for Aug. 1. Talks broke off July 5 and will resume next week. Shippers that haven’t made contingencies could be up against the wall. Some will simply brace for service disruptions and undelivered packages, which could…