CTA, OOIDA target Gonzalez statements in latest filings in AB5 case

Both the California Trucking Association and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association have filed amended complaints in the ongoing lawsuit regarding California’s AB5 independent contractor law, and as expected, the changes have a common target: Lorena Gonzalez. Gonzalez, a former state assemblywoman, is the author of AB5, which tightly restricts whether a worker can be defined…

CPKC announces deal with Knight-Swift to handle Mexico shipments

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) railroad and Knight-Swift Transportation announced Tuesday a deal to provide truckload capacity for a Mexico-to-Chicago cross-border train that will launch in mid-May.  It’s the second major multiyear agreement CPKC has signed with a megacarrier in recent days. On Friday, CPKC and Schneider National announced the formation of a similar intermodal…